Australian Owned Family Business Since 1939

Almond Day

This article has been republished from Nuts for Life. Read the original article. Almond Day Celebrate Almond Day on 16 February with a healthy handful of this tasty and nutritious nut. In fact, almonds are one of the most nutrient-dense foods around! And did you know that Australia is the second largest producer of almonds in the […]

Nonpareil vs Carmel Almonds – What One Should You Choose?

Introduction The popularity of almonds in Australia has increased dramatically over the past decade, largely driven by an improvement in consumer knowledge about the health benefits of almonds and plant based foods in general.   During this time domestic sales of almonds have grown by over 100%, whereas the population has only increased by 15%. Currently […]

Why Experts Are Saying We Need To Prioritise Plant Protein

Nut Protein

This article has been republished from Nuts for Life. Read the original article. Why we need to prioritise plant protein New Australian research has highlighted just how important protein variety is within healthy dietary patterns (1). It found that, for diets with higher diet quality and lower environmental impact, the likelihood of meeting nutritional needs […]

MyOrganics™ Wins Favourtie Organic Brand

MyOrganics™ won multiple organic consumer awards in 2022. Including, being voted as Australia’s Favourite Organic Brand in the 2022 Organic Consumer Choice Awards. We are exceptionally proud of this honour and appreciate our customers who voted for the brand.  Previously known as the National Organic Week Awards, the Organic Consumers Choice Awards (OCCA’s) have been promoting […]

3 Reasons to Consider Australian Nuts

The Australian Nut Industry has grown rapidly over the past few decades and isn’t slowing down. Here are three reasons why you should consider choosing Australian Nuts. 1. Industry Growth Australia has a very successful tree nut industry that is growing at an incredible rate. With a farm gate of over AU$1 Billion (2019), expectations […]

Flood Statement March 8 2022

Flood Statement: Dear customers & suppliers, we are happy to say the flood recovery has gone well. We we’re able to get the Rocklea site cleaned out and are now in the process of dispatching orders & restarting production. However, with power still to be connected (hopefully later today), limited forklift & production capabilities and […]

Flood Statement March 4 2022

Food Statement Dear customer & suppliers, we are happy to say that day three of the flood recovery is going well. We are keeping everyone well fed with some customer supplied bacon & egg rolls! We are looking to start dispatching orders from early next week but with limited forklift capabilities and impacted stock levels […]

Flood Statement March 2022

Flood Statement: 01/03/22 Dear customers & suppliers, Good news is that we have our communications back online with working phone lines & emails. Unfortunately, the water has not receded enough to assess the situation at the Rocklea site. We hope to be able to get there tomorrow to understand the damage and stock availability going […]

Flood Statement February 2022

Flood Statement: “Dear customers & suppliers, as you would have seen South-East Queensland has been hit by rapidly rising floods. Unfortunately Trumps Rocklea Facilities has been impacted by these floods. Trumps is committed to returning to normal business operations as soon as possible and efforts are already underway. An official statement will be made in […]

Covid Update January 2022

Dear Customers, Happy New Year to all our valued customers. We hope 2022 will be a prosperous and happy New Year for you all. As you are well aware the latest changes to how we deal with all the issues that COVID brings to our lives is a challenge. We have been working for months […]