
Foodservice September – October Cycle Priority

September-October Cycle priority

This month’s Cycle Priority are a wide variety of Cherries Red and Green, Sultanas, Currants, mixed nuts, mixed fruit special. A variety of products to prepare the most delicious recipes for Christmas. 

With over 80 years of experience in the market, Trump’s options are one of the best in the business.

Contact us to speak to your local Foodservice representative or call 1800 00 NUTS.

Cherries Glace Red 1Kg

Cherries glace red is the perfect pantry ingredient for your Christmas cakes, puddings, muffins, biscuits, and slices for decorations or toppings.

Cherries  Glace Green 1Kg 

Cherries Glace Green has a touch of color added. Making the cherry glace green the perfect pantry ingredient for your Christmas cakes, puddings, muffins, biscuits, and slices for decorations or toppings.

Peas Green Split 1Kg

Raisins, sultanas, and currants have similar nutritional qualities. Sultanas contain natural sugars for energy and essential minerals.

The high fiber content of sultanas means they can promote healthy bowel function. Add sultanas to your Christmas recipes and boost your health. 


Currants 1kg

Currant contribute to improvements in blood flow, lowered cholesterol, better management of blood clotting, lowered blood pressure, and even decreased risk of heart attacks.

Mixed Nuts Roasted and Salted with Peanuts 1Kg

Pantry essential and the perfect ingredient for mixed nut cake. Surprise your guests and clients at Christmas with the best Mixed Nuts.


Mixed Fruit Specials 1Kg

For all cakes and puddings, Mixed Fruit Special available in 1 Kg.
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