Australian Owned Family Business Since 1939

2022 Flood – 1 Year On

On February 28 2022, Trumps was affected by a third flood in its 84-year history. Our main site Rocklea, was inundated with water – affecting our stock, our office and obviously our operations. On Saturday (27th Feb), Trumps launched its Flood Mitigation Plan, extracting out what we could and preparing the site for flooding. Declan Dart (Managing Director) was the first to visit the site post-flooding, driving a tinnie boat to assess the situation and retrieve our servers to get the team back online. Due to some prior preparation and forward-thinking, Trumps was pleased to find the situation was not as bad as first believed. However, as you can see there was a big job for the Trumps team.

Trumps quickly leapt into action, deploying our Recovery Plan and banding together as a community to start the clean-up process. Trumps employees, family and friends worked tirelessly to gather damaged stock & furniture. We were fortunate to be aided by suppliers, the Brisbane City Council and the Rural Fire Service.

“From dawn to dusk, our team went above and beyond to start the massive cleanup at our factory and warehouse at Rocklea.  The effort of people was nothing short of amazing” – Rocklea Site Manager, Gavin Devine.

The clean-up took under a week. Trumps went from totally underwater to operational in seven days. How quickly we got back on our feet was a testament to the amazing team & community we have at Trumps. We are a resilient, hard-working business that values community and our herculean effort in the 2022 floods in an example of that. 

If you wish to see more on our recovery please find the video below which takes you through the entire journey!

You can learn more about this Australian Family Owned business & our rich history on our About Us page.

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Sed imperdiet porttitor mi sit amet
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sed nisi. Praesent ultrices mi magna, et
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Sed id est mauris quisque vulputate
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Sed id est mauris. Quisque vulputate fermentum cursus. Donec tempor
consectetur eros eu ultricies. Phasellus sed libero nibh. Vestibulum convallis orci
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Nullam id enim sed dui iaculis viverra. Fusce scelerisque magna libero, at convallis
sem posuere id. Aliquam arcu enim, lacinia ut sagittis eget, interdum eget justo.

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